Scoprite le piccole storie dei nostri animali
Lettera a Élise

Lettera a Élise
Achille è un coccodrillo romantico che ama scrivere lettere a Elise, la sua innamorata, sotto l'occhio benevolo del suo
amico piumato Jean il Tucano.
Achille suona "La Lettre à Elise" per calmare il bambino.

Simon la pecora ama divertirsi nei prati e nell'aia, dove gioca a nascondino con il suo amico Adrien il cane.
Simon suona la "Danza della Fata Confetto" di Tchaikovsky (Lo Schiaccianoci) per il bambino.
The enchanted meadow

The enchanted meadow
Emma the Cow shares a large flowery meadow with Charles the Horse , her lifelong companion.
When she has finished chewing the green grass of the meadows, Emma likes to play "The Magic Flute" by Mozart to soothe baby.
Tonight we love

Tonight we love
Perched on her big tree at the edge of the wood, Colette the Owl watches over all the animals in the forest after dark.
Colette plays "Tonight We Love (Concerto n°1)" by Tchaikovsky for baby.
Water sports

Water sports
Gina the Giraffe delights in the tallest leaves of the trees in the savannah while watching with amused eyes her comrades Achille the Crocodile and Sam the Hippopotamus jumping into the water.
She plays the sweet lullaby "Chut Petit Bébé" to put your little one to sleep.
Savannah in the moonlight

Savannah in the moonlight
Jackson the Lion suffers from insomnia and wanders at night to find sleep. In the sleeping savannah, he meets Vincent the Elephant and Robert the Zebra who are sleeping soundly.
Jackson plays Beethoven's "Moonlight Sonata" for babies.
Hello up there?

Hello up there?
Jean the Toucan lives in the tropical forest, high up in the trees, a good distance from his friend Achille the Crocodile.
Jean is an optimistic bird who plays "Aloha Oe" to soothe baby.
The Bolo Leon

The Bolo Leon
Cute and rounded, Léon le Cochon loves to throw himself in the mud and splash his farm friends, which Paulette the hen does not like.
Léon plays the famous "Boléro de Ravel" to arouse baby's curiosity.
unacknowledged love

unacknowledged love
Luca le Panda is a great romantic secretly in love with the beautiful Paris la Perruche , whom he dreams of marrying.
In the meantime, Luca eats bamboo and plays "Pachelbel's Canon in D major" to soothe baby.
underwater dance

underwater dance
Graceful aquatic dancer, Madeleine the Whale does synchronized swimming at the bottom of the ocean with Octave the Octopus .
For baby, Madeleine comes to the surface and plays the sweet melody of "Lac des Cygnes".
fishing duo

fishing duo
Martin the Penguin loves to share the fish he catches in very cold water. He brings them to his friend Nathan the Polar Bear while waddling.
Martin the Penguin plays "Ah, will I tell you mom" to put baby to sleep.
The jungle in color

The jungle in color
Flying from tree to tree, Paris la Perruche dazzles all the inhabitants of the jungle with its shimmering colors and
her playful singing, and in particular Luca the Panda who only has eyes for her.
Paris performs "Carolina in the Morning" for baby.
An impossible couple

An impossible couple
Richard the Fox has fun running after Paulette the Hen in the farmyard. To make up for the frights he causes her, he offers Paulette charming little bouquets of wild flowers.
Richard plays "The Bluebells of Scotland" for baby.
Confidence on the water

Confidence on the water
All day Sam the Hippopotamus splashes about in his lake and converses with his feet in the water with his confidant Achille the Crocodile.
In a joyful mood, Sam plays "When the Saints Go Marching In" for baby and all his friends on the body of water.
Siesta in the sun

Siesta in the sun
Vincent the Elephant is an adorable little elephant who loves to sleep in the sun.
When he's not frolicking in the savannah with his best friend Robert the Zebra , Vincent plays the famous "Brahms Lullaby" for babies.